СAUTION! You are using the out-of-date browser Internet Explorer 6

This site is built on the advanced, modern technologies and does not support Internet Explorer version 6.

It is insistently recommended to you to choose and establish any of modern browsers. It is free of charge and also will take only some minutes.

Internet Explorer Opera Browser Mozilla Firefox Google Chrome Apple Safari
Internet Explorer Opera Browser Mozilla Firefox Google Chrome Apple Safari

Why it is necessary to change browser IE6 to another?

Browser Internet Explorer 6 is not simply a browser of the old version, it is an out-of-date browser, a browser of old generation! It cannot give all possibilities which can be given by modern browsers, and speed of its work is several times lower! Internet Explorer 6 is not capable to display the majority of sites correctly.


Using of IE6 is potentially dangerous. Viruses and fraudsters can get
access to your computer throe use
of this browser.

Only facts

IE6 was released in year 2001.
Versions Nr.7 and Nr.8 were
released and avaliable later.
The next version is expected soon.


Microsoft,the developer of
Internet Explorer 6, has stopped the support for IE6 and recommends to install new version of Microsoft browser.